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Wild Orange Vendor Events

Premier Vendor Membership 2024

Premier Vendor Membership 2024

Welcome! I am so happy you are here! With our calendar already filling for 2024, we thought that now was a great time to launch our super fun secret club of premier vendors! This new and exciting way to join in on all the fun that Wild Orange has to offer is the best way to get the most bang for your buck over the course of the next year. 

Your Premier Vendor Membership will include :

•First Calls on all Shows - Whether they are WO only shows or collaborative shows

•Discounted Booth Rates at all Wild Orange Only shows (collaborative shows with other businesses or contracted shows not included)

•No need for multiple forms - one form per membership duration (6 months, 1 year or Holiday Season; additional details may be needed depending on the show)

•Additional advertising of your business per show - will have a premier vendor post(s) every show that will showcase all premier vendors.

•WOVE Tee, Sticker + Tumbler upon registration (1 Year Membership)

•WOVE Tee upon registration (6 month Membership)

•WOVE Sticker upon registration (Holiday Season Membership)

•3 Membership options;

-6 month Membership; Membership will begin on April 1st and expire on September 30th so that you are in for the peak of busy season 

-1 year Membership; Membership runs for the entire calendar year. January 2024 - December 2024

-Fall/Holiday Season Membership; Membership will begin on October 1st and expire on December 15th

Please fill out the google doc linked here to solidify your membership. This is a legal document and an agreement between Wild Orange Vendor Events, LLC and you. If at anytime during the course of your membership you or the Company violates the agreement either party may choose to withdraw from the contract. No refunds will be given unless absolutely necessary. 

Regular price $60.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $60.00 USD
Sale Sold out
Membership Choice
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